Zoology 2022 | Prize winners

During the Zoology Congress 2022 which took place two weeks ago in Kortrijk, the RBZS/KNDV boards awarded prizes for the best oral and poster presentations. Congratulations to the winners!

Poster presentations

  • Master’s student | Pablo Martinez-Soarez: “Diversity in mouthpart morphology and trophic niche in Antarctic Iphimediidae (Amphipoda)
  • Ph.D. student: Marine Banse | “Comparative study of sound production in Holocentrids

Oral presentations

  • Master’s student | Noé Wambreuse: “The complex immune system of sea cucumbers: a cell story
  • Ph.D. students | Sophie Boerman: “Solving the missing pieces of the gharial puzzle: new phylogenetic framework combining morphological, molecular, and biostratigraphic data to unravel the evolution of onong-snouted crocodylians.” and Alexander Hooft Van Huysduinen: “Characterising fisheries induced evolution of Malawi cichlids.

We thank the members of the Jury who have had the difficult task of choosing the best presentations and all the participants for the excellent quality of their presentations.

Posted in Non classé.