ZOOLOGY 2024 – Registration & Payment

The conference registration is managed by ASBL Extension UMONS. To access the conference registration form, please follow this link.

We are working actively to keep fees as low as possible to encourage everyone to participate in the event. Discussions are still ongoing, and we will provide the final fee details in the coming days.

A fee reduction is available for members of the Belgian Zoological Society and the Dutch Zoological Society. Membership for the Belgian Zoological Society (RBZS) can be obtained here:  http://rbzs.be/membership/. Membership for the Dutch Zoological Society (KNDV) can be obtained here: https://www.kndv.nl/lidmaatschap/.

The fees cover the congress registration, the lunches and the coffee breaks. Please note that the “Social Event & Reception Dinner” is not included in the conference fees and must be paid separately. In addition, desk payment, on-site, will not be possible.