Grant Recipients

Since 2018, RBZS has attributed 15 grants to Master and Ph.D. students and Post-doc for a laboratory internship or a field trip.

Num Year First Name Name Gender Career level Affiliation Title Application Type
1 2018 Gilles De Meester M PhD student UAntwerp The fitness consequence of cognition Internship
2 2018 Charlène Guillaumot F PhD student ULB Belgica121 expedition in Antarctica Field trip
3 2018 Simon Backens M Postdoc UAntwerp Food specialisation and adaptive divergence of head shape in island lizards Field trip
4 2019 Els De Keizer F PhD student KUL State of the pelagic fisheries and fisheries management in Uvira, Lake Tanganyika, DR Congo Field trip
5 2019 Larissa Dumba F PhD student Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil / Uantwerpen Phylogeny and taxonomy of Tapiridae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) Museum (field trip)
6 2019 Xavier Raick M PhD student ULiège Can we use sounds to discriminate fish species in coral reefs community? Internship/field work
7 2020 Aurélien Lowie M PhD student UGent The evolution of burrowing in snakes (Squamata) Museum Internship
8 2020 Claire Chauveau F Master student VUB/ULB Bacterial communities present on the skin of Speleomantes italicus in Italy observed in sulfidic and non-sulfidic caves Fied trip
9 2020 Alissa El Mojahid F Master student Uliege Field study of the population ecology of glirids (Mamalia, Rodent) in SE Bulgaria Field trip
10 2021 Ionna Graviilidi F PhD student UAntwerp How cognition and personality evolve on the islands, using lizard species of the Aegean Archipelago, Greece Field work
11 2021 Olivier Kaisin M PhD student ULiège Physiological and behavioral responses of black lion tamarins to the fragmentation of their habitat. Field work
12 2021 Pablo Padilla M PhD student ULiège Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses and limits to temperature in invasive populations of water frogs, Pelophylax sp., in “Le Causse du Larzac” (France) Museum stay
13 2021 Ruben Schols M PhD student Africa Museum Tervuren/KUL The influence of snail host microbiome in trematode parasite resistance Lab internship
14 2021 Mathilde Godefroid F PhD student ULB Effects of heat stress on two mesophotic black coral species (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia: Antipatharia) with distinct morphologies, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Field trip
15 2021 Tim Maes M PhD student KUL Thermal tolerance range and optimal temperature of Bulinus truncatus Field trip
16 2022 Lisa Van Linde F PhD student UAntwerp Poor but prosperous – how island biota survive genetic impoverishment Field trip
17 2022 Chloé Stévenne F PhD student ULiège GENomics and Evolution of Structural, Iridescent Signals (GENESIS) Lab internship
18 2022 Michaël Nicolaï M Post-doc UGent Thermal tolerance range and optimal temperature of Bulinus truncatus Field trip
19 2024 Noemie Buratto F PhD student UNamur Chemicals, Plastic and Mangroves: a call for Conservations Field trip
20 2024 Alexia Dimopoulos F PhD student ULB Black coral communities in the shallow waters of Madagascar: the functional link between habitat and diversity Field trip