Why and how to join the society ?

Membership of the Royal Belgian Society for Zoology is open to all professional biologists. The annual subscription for regular members is 40 €. Ph.D. students benefit from a subscription of 25 € and undergraduates 10 €.

The annual subscription is valid for one year (from date to date).

The subscription entitles members of the Royal Belgian Zoological Society

  • to have free entrance to the ZOO Antwerp and Planckendael zoological gardens and to the ZOO Serpentarium (Blankenberge)
  • to be listed on the Zoologists mailing list, where relevant information on zoology is spread (meeting announcements, job vacancies, …)
  • to participate at the Benelux Congress of Zoology at reduced registration rates
  • to apply for grants offered by the society (for internships, field trips, and conferences).

Research Groups are also offered, with an annual fee of only 200 €. A research group will be treated as one single membership, with the understanding, that all members of the research group become a member of RBZS as well under the following terms. The head of the research group registers as a full member, enjoying the same benefits. All members of the research group enjoy the same benefits except the reduced rate for the congress and the free entrance to the ZOOs.

IMPORTANT: This membership is only applicable at the level of research groups, not at the level of departments or institutes.

The Society offers also the possibility to subscribe to the Sustaining membership program. The Sustaining Membership costs 1000 € and is dedicated to members who would like to contribute extra to support the work of the Society. Their support is acknowledged on the Society website. This is an ad vitam membership that includes the same benefits as the regular membership.

In case you need an invoice, please contact the treasurer of the Society, the head of the research group is also responsible for sending the names and e-mail addresses of his/her group members to the secretary.

For subscriptions by bank transfer:

Payments need to be addressed to:

“Royal Belgian Zoological Society”

Vautierstraat 29

B-1000 Brussel


With references to Name and Surname

Membership fees can be transferred to the KBC Bank account number BE37 7340 4462 1928.

Payments from abroad (*) will require the following information: IBAN: BE37 7340 4462 1928, BIC: KREDBEBB, address:  KBC Bank NV – Drongen – Openingstijden, Drongenplein 11, 9031 Drongen, BELGIUM.

(*) Austria, Azores, Canary Islands, Denmark, Germany, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Madeira, Martinique, The Netherlands, Portugal, Réunion, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.